
Postnatal depression

Expert review by:
  • Dr Samantha Wild, Clinical Lead for Women's Health and Bupa GP
  • Michelle Sheridan, Midwife, Bupa UK
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Postnatal depression is a type of depression that you can develop after having a baby. This will usually be within the first year. Postnatal depression can make you feel very low. There are treatments and support available that can help you to feel better.

About postnatal depression?

Postnatal depression is no different to depression you can get at any other time. It’s referred to as postnatal depression if you have recently had a baby. Postnatal depression most often starts within the first couple of months after giving birth. But you may get it up to a year later.

Lots of people feel overwhelmed, tearful and emotional for a few days after having a baby. This is sometimes called the baby blues and usually starts within three to 10 days after your baby is born. Baby blues usually pass within a few days, without the need for treatment or additional support.

Postnatal depression is more intense and lasts longer than the baby blues. It affects between one and two in 10 women within a year of giving birth.

You can get depression while you’re pregnant too. This is called antenatal or prenatal depression. Perinatal depression covers both antenatal and postnatal depression. Partners of people who have recently given birth can also experience depression. Some people refer to this as postnatal depression too. There can be many reasons for this. They include having extra responsibilities, financial pressures and lack of sleep. Relationship problems can also be a factor.

If you need help now

This page is designed to provide general health information. If you need help now, please use the following services.

  • Samaritans
    116 123 (UK and ROI) - This helpline is free for you to call and talk to someone.
  • NHS Services has a list of where to get urgent help for mental health.
  • Mind website. Click the ‘Get help now’ button on the page. This is a tool that is designed to help you understand what’s happening to you and how you can help yourself.
  • If you think you might harm yourself or are worried someone else might come to immediate harm, call the emergency services on 999 or go to your local accident and emergency department.

Causes of postnatal depression

Postnatal depression can happen to anyone and it’s important to know that it’s not your fault. Having a baby is a huge life change. Adjusting to the extra responsibility of looking after a new baby can take time.

Depression is usually caused by a combination of several factors. There are many factors that affect your chance of getting postnatal depression. You’re more likely to get it if:

  • you’ve had mental health problems such as depression in the past, including during pregnancy
  • you had the ‘baby blues’ after you gave birth
  • you don’t feel that you have enough support
  • you suffered abuse or neglect in childhood, or had an unstable family life
  • you have low self-esteem
  • your living conditions are stressful – for example, you’re having money, housing or employment problems
  • you’re in an unhappy or abusive relationship
  • you’ve had a recent major life event, such as a bereavement, relationship break-up or you’ve lost your job
  • it took a long time for you to get pregnant
  • your partner is depressed
  • your pregnancy wasn’t planned
  • you have two or more children
  • you have a family history of depression
  • your baby was premature or has had health problems

Just because these factors increase your risk, you can still become depressed without having any of them. Or, you may have some of these factors and never develop postnatal depression. Having postnatal depression is not something you can help. And it is no reflection on your ability to care for your baby.

Symptoms of postnatal depression

Postnatal depression symptoms start within a year of having your baby. You may:

  • feel low and tearful much of the time
  • feel anxious or irritable
  • not enjoy things you normally do
  • feel guilty and worthless
  • feel hopeless
  • find it hard to concentrate or make decisions
  • feel like you have no energy
  • have problems sleeping even when your baby is asleep
  • not want to see friends and family
  • lose your appetite
  • lack interest in your baby or partner, or have negative feelings towards them
  • have thoughts about harming yourself or your baby

Anyone can have these feelings from time to time after having a baby. But if you’ve been feeling like this most of the time, for two weeks or more, you may have postnatal depression. Having a baby takes a lot of adjustment for anyone. But if you have postnatal depression, you may feel that you can’t cope and worry constantly about your baby. You may also feel detached from your baby and find it hard to bond with them.

Seeking help

If you think you may be depressed, tell your GP, health visitor or midwife. They won’t judge you – they’re used to helping women who have postnatal depression. They will be focused on getting you the help and support you need to feel better and look after your baby.

If you feel that you can’t look after your baby or are having thoughts about harming yourself or your baby, get urgent help. Either go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department or contact one of the services listed in our section: If you need help now. You can also call 999 if necessary.

Postpartum psychosis

Postpartum psychosis is a rare and very serious form of postnatal depression. About one to two in 1,000 people develop it after having a baby. If you have postpartum psychosis, you may:

  • have rapid mood swings, switching between feeling really happy and excited then severely depressed
  • have hallucinations where you see or hear things that aren’t there, or delusions where you may believe something that isn’t true
  • feel confused and disorientated

The symptoms usually start within days or weeks of having a baby and come on quite suddenly. If you’re having any of these symptoms, speak to your GP, midwife or health visitor straightaway. If you don’t feel able to speak to a health professional, try to talk to someone who you can trust. They can support you in getting help. If you need to, go to your local A&E department or contact one of the services in our section: If you need help now. It’s important to get any treatment and support you need as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of postnatal depression

Your midwife, health visitor or GP will usually ask you about your mental health and how you’re feeling at your postnatal appointments. This is a good opportunity to tell them if you’re feeling low or depressed.

You can also contact your health visitor or GP at any time if you need help for mental health problems. They’ll ask you some questions about how you’ve been feeling. They may use a standard questionnaire to do this. This will help them assess whether you may have postnatal depression. They’ll want to know about any physical symptoms you have too, and how you are coping with looking after your baby.

If you have postnatal depression, your health visitor or GP may be able to support you and organise any treatments you need. Sometimes, they may suggest referring you to specialist mental health services. This might be perinatal mental health services (a specialist service for pregnant women and those with babies under a year old). Or it might be your local community mental health team. These specialist services are usually only needed if you have more severe postnatal depression.

Self-help for postnatal depression

Most people with postnatal depression feel better within a few months. But it can affect some people for longer – this can be a year or more. There are many things you can do to help yourself cope with postnatal depression. Here are some suggestions.

  • Talk to someone you trust, such as your partner, a friend or family member about how you’re feeling. If they know what the problem is, they can support you in getting the help you need.
  • Sleep or rest whenever you get the chance. Try to get some sleep while your baby sleeps, and if you can’t sleep, at least try to rest and relax.
  • Grow your support network. You could try local groups for new parents. Your midwife or health visitor may be able to give you information on these. Ask someone to go with you if you find it difficult at first. There are also online parenting communities you can join.
  • Ask for help with caring for your baby when you need it. Take up any offers of help with housework, cooking meals, shopping and childcare – don’t feel guilty about accepting support.
  • Make time for things you enjoy, even if it’s just a few minutes to read a book or watch TV.
  • Try to stick to a healthy balanced diet and regular meals, even if you don’t really feel like eating.
  • Try to get some regular, gentle exercise. Even just a walk in the fresh air with your baby can help.
  • Don’t use alcohol or drugs to cope with your feelings – they will make your depression worse.
  • Get in touch with organisations that support parents with postnatal depression. For contact details, see our section: Other helpful websites.

The most important thing is to be kind to yourself. You’re going through a tough time. Take help when it’s offered and remind yourself that these feelings often pass with time.

Treatment of postnatal depression

Treatment options for postnatal depression include talking therapies and medicines. Which treatment is right for you will depend on several factors. These include how severe your postnatal depression is and whether you’ve had treatment for depression before. It also depends on whether you are breastfeeding. Your doctor can explain what options are available and the benefits and risks of each. They will then support you in making a decision.

Talking treatments

If you have mild symptoms of postnatal depression, your doctor may suggest a guided self-help programme. These are based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT aims to change how you think and behave in different situations. In guided self-help, you’re provided with printed information or a web-based programme. A professional trained in CBT supports you on the programme.

If you have more severe depression, they may offer you face-to-face CBT sessions.

Another type of talking therapy you may be offered is called interpersonal psychotherapy. This focuses on identifying how your relationships relate to your feelings. It explores your emotions and looks at how you can change how you respond to people.


If you have moderate or severe depression, your doctor may suggest you try antidepressant medicines. You may have these as well as, or instead of talking therapies.

There are different types of antidepressant. They all work well for postnatal depression but they may have different side-effects. Tell your doctor if you’re breastfeeding. There is limited data about how safe antidepressants are when breastfeeding. Your doctor will advise which medicines are safest to take.

Antidepressants can take at least two weeks to start working and you may need to take them for several months. This helps to prevent your postnatal depression from returning after you start to feel better. Your doctor will advise you on how long to keep taking them.

Always read the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine carefully. If you have any questions about your medicines or how to take them, ask your pharmacist.

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Postnatal depression can happen to anyone. There isn’t usually a single cause. It’s usually due to a combination of factors and certain things can make it more likely. These include having previous mental health problems and not having enough support. For more information, see our causes of postnatal depression section.

If you have postnatal depression, you feel very low, anxious or hopeless most of the time. Everyone can feel like this from time to time, but with postnatal depression, it goes on for longer. You may also find it hard to concentrate, have problems sleeping and like you have no energy. Read more in our symptoms of postnatal depression section.

There are lots of options available to help with postnatal depression. These include talking therapies and antidepressant medicines. You might have both together or one on its own. Your doctor will help you to decide what’s right for you. For more information, see our treatment of postnatal depression section.

Partners of people who have recently given birth can also develop depression or anxiety. There can be many reasons for this. Having a baby can be a huge adjustment. Some people may refer to this as postnatal depression too. It’s important that partners also seek help and support for mental health problems. Find out more in our about postnatal depression section.

This is different for everyone. Postnatal depression usually lasts a few months for most people. Other people may still be affected after a year or more. You will continue to be offered support for as long as needed.

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  • Depression. NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries., last revised July 2023
  • Antenatal and postnatal mental health: clinical management and service guidance. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)., last updated 11 February 2020
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  • Depression. Mind., published April 2023
  • Depression in adults: treatment and management. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)., published 29 June 2022
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  • Antidepressant drugs. British National Formulary (BNF). National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)., last updated 27 September 2023
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