
Pride Month, June 2024 – business toolkit

21 May 2024

June is Pride Month where all things LGBTQ+ are celebrated. It’s the role of organisations and their line managers to support LGBTQ+ employees in the workplace and they can build a more resilient, happier, and healthier workplace where everyone can thrive.

How does this affect your clients?

It’s been shown that businesses that support LGBTQ+ employees and protect their wellbeing within the workplace will gain from higher productivity, increased employee engagement and reduced sickness absence and presenteeism.

We've put together some expert-approved tools and resources. You can share these to help your clients create better conversations with their teams. These resources can also empower organisations to open up the conversation around LGBTQ+ topics in the workplace.

Guidance and support for line-managers

To read

To watch

Resources that your clients can share with their team

Support for employee’s emotional wellbeing

Resources for your client’s employees dependent on their policy or health trust

For more information on LGBTQ+ communities, head to LGBT Foundation, The Trevor Project, Stonewall Inclusive Workplaces or Trans In The City.

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