
Launching our partnership with JAAQ

19 June 2023

We’ve recently launched our partnership with Just Ask A Question (JAAQ), now available to all our corporate customers. Please see the support materials below and read on to find out more.

Who is JAAQ?

JAAQ are engagement specialists who can create workplace engagement experiences which combine revolutionary technology to create empathetic, conversations with experts and celebrities.

Our new partnership brings Bupa’s clinical expertise and JAAQ’s unique employee engagement platform to create an unrivalled proposition.

Why have we partnered up with JAAQ?

Our partnership aims to help address the key challenges impacting businesses from health and wellbeing to culture through unique, interactive video content, hybrid-office takeover days and solutions tailored to your workplace.

How can the partnership help your clients?

JAAQ engagement programme can help clients target and address key challenges impacting their business such as:

  • Support businesses to deliver cultural and transformation change
  • Increase engagement in employee health and wellbeing plans
  • Encourage a more preventative culture for key health conditions such as mental health and cancer
  • Raise awareness and educate the workforce on key health topics

Want to know more?

To understand how we can create an engagement experience unique to your client’s business, speak to your Bupa Account Manager now.

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