
Marlow Dental Specialist Clinic

James Kleiber

GDC - 81143 MFDS Royal College of Surgeons Of England 2004, BDS Lond 2002 Dentist

James has been a dentist since 2002 and has experience in all aspects of dentistry. He now focuses solely on dental implants and restorative dentistry.

James has been placing implants since 2006. Alongside working with us, James also manages his own dental practice and mentors other dentists in the field of implants. He enjoys putting nervous patients at ease with his calm and caring manner.

James has taught at Guy’s Hospital in London, is a member of the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) and the European association of Implantology (EAO). He’s had his work published in dental magazines and has recently completed a diploma to master’s level in Dental Law and Ethics.

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