
Oral health support for your employees and their families

19 August 2024

We know that your employees are at the heart of your business, so it’s important to look after what’s close to their heart, too. Bupa can help you to support your employees and their families when it comes to dental health. We offer advice and resources that your workforce can share with their loved ones.

How can my employees support their children?

Those who care for children may face challenges when it comes to their dental health. This is evident as tooth decay is the leading cause of hospital admissions for 6 to 10-year-olds*. However, there are steps which can be taken to prevent dental issues for little ones, such as establishing a regular tooth-brushing routine and attending check-ups from a young age.

Getting children to visit the dentist can be difficult too as children might experience dental anxiety, particularly those with additional needs, for whom dental appointments are particularly daunting.

Share the following resources with your employees so they can support their children, no matter their age or needs:

  • View this great resource about dental anxiety in children, and how to support those with additional needs here.
  • Brush up on daily essentials for oral health here.
  • Learn how to support your baby here.
  • Learn how to support your toddler here.
  • Learn how to support your primary school child here.

What about older family members?

When your employees or their family members age, there are natural changes to the body and mouth which can increase the chance of dental problems, such as tooth decay and mouth dryness.

  • Learn about the dental issues that become more common in later life here.

Additionally, your employees may care for aging relatives, perhaps facing the challenges of dementia or memory loss. For people with dementia, caring for their teeth may become very difficult, as carrying out daily tasks becomes increasingly challenging.

  • Read about how to care for the dental health of loved ones with dementia here.

*BDA, 2023

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