
Back Care Awareness Week 2022

16 September 2022

From 3 to 7 October 2022 it’s Back Care Awareness Week. Back pain is incredibly common. Around 60% of the adult population can expect to have lower back pain at some point in their life. Whilst back pain is not usually a sign of a more serious condition, it can still be distressing and a real inconvenience to your employees’ working life. Now’s your chance to prepare for Back Care Awareness Week, to help create more engaged and productive teams, who take less time off work for their back health.

How can back health affect your business?

Back pain is one of the leading causes of workplace absences in the UK. In fact, almost 9 million workdays were lost between 2019 and 2020 due to musculoskeletal related issues. Support your employees by giving them the tools and knowledge needed to be proactive with their back health.

For your business

Guidance and support for line-managers

Resources to share with your team

Resources to share with your team dependent on your employee’s policy or health trust

You can also find a wealth of information, tools and support on Bupa’s website, or the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy or Versus Arthritis websites.

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